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The GoTriple Pundit Annotation Tool Training

This webinar is part of the TRIPLE Open Science Training Series.

The training session is dedicated to the GoTriple Pundit Annotation Tool and is presented by Sona Arasteh, Communications officer for the TRIPLE project (Max Weber Foundation), Tiziana Lombardo, Project Manager at Net7 and Giulio Andreini, Project Manager and UX Designer at Net7.

Tiziana Lombardo opens the training session by defining the concept of web annotation and presenting the Pundit Annotation Tool, a web annotation system powered by semantic technologies. She also provides an overview of the next steps for Pundit in terms of integration in the GoTriple platform, enhanced support for collaboration and teamwork, advanced interoperability and integration in the EOSC Marketplace as a self-standing service. A live demonstration is then performed by Sona Arasteh who shows the various applications of Pundit when writing her PhD thesis and how the annotation tool is particularly adapted for SSH researchers. The training is concluded by Giulio Andreini with a step-by-step guide to Pundit providing the basic information to start using it and covering all the features the tool offers such as semantic annotations, comments, tags and highlights.

To annotate Web pages and PDFs with Pundit: Pundit Annotator Chrome Extension

You can download the slides here:

Learning outcomes

After watching this video you should …

  • Know the purposes and functionalities of the Pundit Annotation Tool
  • Understand how Pundit can be used in the SSH research context
  • Be able to annotate web pages and PDFs using Pundit

Cite as

Tiziana Lombardo, Sona Arasteh, Giulio Andreini and Lottie Provost (2022). The GoTriple Pundit Annotation Tool Training . Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Webinar recording].

Reuse conditions

Resources hosted on DARIAH-Campus are subjects to the DARIAH-Campus Training Materials Reuse Charter

Full metadata

The GoTriple Pundit Annotation Tool Training
Tiziana Lombardo, Sona Arasteh, Giulio Andreini, Lottie Provost
Social Sciences and Humanities
Published to DARIAH-Campus:
Originally published:
Content type:
Webinar recording
CCBY 4.0
Scholarly practice, Project management, Semantic Web, EOSC, Training and education